Thursday, October 14, 2004

My First Entry!!

Who would have thought this could be so easy! I've only recently heard about blogging and who would have guessed that within days I would have my own blog! Exciting!

This is the deal -- this blog is dedicated to making mom's out there feel like the goddesses we are! Yes, I said -- goddesses. You better believe it, we all rate. Ours is a righteous role, and we are all running along on that treadmill as fast as we can.

The thing is -- most of us are in a continual state of guilt because of all the things we haven't found time to do. It's a vicious circle. The guilt is an energy-sucker, lack of energy leads to less getting done...

Guilt over what's left undone, guilt over dissatisfaction with the mom role (we should gain satisfaction from nurturing and shaping our children's future, our mom's did).

Here's my take. Women's liberation changed more than the glass ceiling -- the boundaries that so clearly defined society came down, trouble is -- they weren't replaced with anything else. What I've found out from working with children is -- boundaries are essential. Without them, chaos and confusion rule. Sound familiar? Maybe not -- how has your family re-defined mom/dad/children roles?

Here's my limb. I believe that we all imagine everyone else is doing more, coping better, and more successful in creating family harmony. I'm starting to doubt it. You see, I've made a few choices in an attempt to gain control over 'the mom issue' and have found the result to be the same regardless of how I've defined my other roles. -- Guilt and inability to meet personal/societal (supposed) expectations rule!! I've been a working mom, and dissatisfied with my parenting efforts, a stay-at-home mom and dissatisfied with my personal achievement and now I am a self-employed, work-at-home mom and the day of the week will determine where my dissatisfaction lies. Is it me? Or is it that idealistic image I'm comparing myself to? How are you measuring up to your own expectations?

My solution is to change my focus. No longer am I worried about what I'm not doing, but from now on I'm focussed on living and finding love and laughter, and, oh yeah, the opportunity for fun (in many forms but mostly in the form of shopping). So welcome to my web-log, let's see how successful I am in this commitment, and if you like the idea, you're welcome to come along for the ride!!!