Monday, December 27, 2021

Paths of Destiny

Path of Destiny

Souls, separated from the source
Welcomed to the world
By their chosen ones,
A babe in arms.

By design the birth place
Is situated in place, time and context
Akin to a trailhead to the life’s quest,
And enlightenment.

It is a journey of the heart.
To feel the heights and the depths
The connections and the losses
That each cycle of life includes.

Destiny is the seed
Imprinted from birth and
Anchored in the child’s eye
Visible through the heart.

Fate is the path
Evolving and naturally unfolding
An outcome of paths taken,
And paths not taken.

Mystery and synchronicity
Is God’s hand that nudges
One’s fate line to intersect
With destiny.

Inner voice, heard as
A sense of knowing,
Residue from a dream, 
A quickening of the heart,
Is the sign that destiny is at play.

Disney misinterpreted destiny.
Riches and glory 
In, and of themselves 
Are empty.

Destiny is your heart knowing it is home.
That its yearning is being fulfilled.
And it is in communion 
In the ways it needs to be.

To live within destiny is our birth rite.
To share the wisdom gained is our purpose.