Wednesday, September 20, 2023

My Favourite Podcast Set


Dr. Peter Jensen is a sports psychologist who worked with Canada's early Olympians. He helped them to conquer the mental aspect of being top competitors but his lessons are relevant for life. They are about building resilience and having the 'grit' to face even life's toughest hurdles. The lessons he shares became routines and practices that I adopted to help me through even the toughest times.

The podcasts below are from his book 'The Inside Edge'.

I first listened in 1993 or 4 while I was building my career. These 'ways of thinking' made all of the difference for me, and helped me navigate some challenging circumstances.

Mental Fitness -- He calls his practice 'mental fitness'. This first podcast describes what he means by that.

Self Responsibility -- This concept echoes the teachings of Stephen Covey. The foundation of success is about recognizing that the 'will' to progress must come from you. It is about 'owning' your energy and your outcomes. Victim-thinking says something outside of you holds your power. Reliance on others places your power in service to them. The world changes when you say -- this is about me, this is about my choices. 

The Power of Optimism -- This is about how positive thinking can actually shift your potential and lead to results.