Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A Day at a Time

So, who remembers that great sitcom, 'One Day at a Time'? Doesn't it take on new meaning once you're a mom? I'd love to get a glimpse of an episode again, I would imagine that Valerie Bertinelli's slick '70's teen image would fit right in with today's teens. Oooh... I so wanted to be cool and sassy like her!

I realized that these posts get read backwards, so I decided I need to re-state my focus each time. Here it is:

I'm committed to living without guilt and dedicating my energy to living, loving, laughing, and fun!

I'm just days into living my new life; and, much like a diet, or the decision to quit smoking, it's on my mind constantly. I'm very grouchy, and I keep looking in the fridge... OK, I admit, the looking-in-the-fridge problem existed before, maybe even the grouchiness.

Honestly, It's harder than I thought. The snags I keep running into revolve around my children. It seems that when I am in my happy, pleasant and loving parent mode, my oldest doesn't take me seriously. When something needs to get done; I ask, and then I ask; and later I ask... and finally I let the mean, grouchy ogre out and I demand, then I threaten, then... magically, it get's done. I'm working on getting some action on the first 'nice' ask, but resistance is strong.

I keep saying to myself: It's a marathon, not a sprint, persistence and diligence will win the race. I hope I have the fortitude.

Now for the good part, the moment... This time, the moment didn't seem to be coming along on it's own, so I went out to make it happen. You got it, I hit the mall! If you recall the last post, snow was everywhere, well, it still is. Once I brushed nearly a foot of wet and heavy snow off my vehicle, warmed it up, and got the kids in, my carefully teased 'do and neatly applied lipstick had seen better days. A quick fluff and touch-up in the mirror made me feel mall-worthy again, and I trecked through the parking lot pushing the stroller, a mopey 7 year-old dragging along behind. I was on a mission to bring consolation, happiness or maybe just new clothes into my life. I've been thinking about just the extravagant addition to my wardrobe that would turn me into a chic, happenin' kinda girl. Once I arrived at my destination, it took only moments to set my sights on the target, but I would need to return. My strategic mom-sense told me it was essential to appease the troups. I found a delectably sweet cinnamon treat that would do the trick. Now, I could sneak up on my prey!

It was some time ago, but my target first came into my sights as Sarah Jessica Parker strutted her stuff against a white background next to a jazzy guitar-playing hip kinda guy. My first thought was, WOW, she just had a baby and she's no younger than me; my second, maybe those jeans would make me look like that, too (yeah, right!). At any rate, I knew what I wanted, and I knew where to find it. It was worth a trip to the mall, an hour in a dressing room, trying on 10 pairs of pants, and all in the company of my rather patient, but captive, boys. Only $80.00 later, I had a knowing smile on my face and a GAP bag draped on the arm of my stroller. Fait accompli!

Sometimes, you just need to grab fate by the hand...