Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Violence Rips Through Eden

A blight is growing like cancer in my neighborhood. Hatred and anger have fueled violence that sits like a scourge in our quiet residential streets.

The first incident occurred just over a month ago. A bomb was thrown at a home down the street. That's strange -- I thought. Who would ever do something like that?

Then gun shots pierced the silence. As we believed our families were tucked safely into their beds this wayward and unforseen threat pierced the night. Bullets ripped through wood sending shards through the air. At that moment fear became a resident in our quiet community.

The fear is growing -- there has been a victim. Media reports indicate intense hatred is at the heart of this violence.

I can't fathom the depth of hatred that fuels these vicious acts. How did things escalate to this point? Who can stop it? When will there be enough? Why have we been drawn into it?

I am concerned for my family, my children, my neighbors' children and all the families that have become unwilling parties to this violence. Hatred is a cancer that kills. Violence is a thief that steals our safety and peace of mind.

Please; someone, find a way to bring an end!