Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Time Passes By

It's been two weeks since last I posted. I guess I blinked and missed it.

These days time is my enemy. It passes without my knowledge, I can't fit enough activities into the time I have. I am consistently rescheduling things to accomodate my productivity issues. I feel like I'm continuously late, and always rushing at the last minute. If I could find the root of the problem I suspect it would be that I struggle to focus on one thing at a time. I am forever in multi-tasking mode. I am forever changing gears and switching activities to accomodate the demands around me.

Is this a symptom of my life, or life these days? What I yearn for is solitude, time to think, to discover what is important to me. I resent investing time into situations deemed urgent, that ultimately become unimportant -- to me or anyone else.

Something I'm reading encourages patience in dealing with the mundane. The authors go on to say that care and maintenance for the things in this world is our responsibility as these are God's divine gifts. Maybe, I guess. But why does this care and maintenance always take so much time? Valuable time...

My kids have no concept of time. Even my 7-year-old has trouble keeping track of the days. A long weekend will be nearing an end and he will insist there must be another day, he can't understand where it went. Always, he is unpleasantly surprised when I inform him that tomorrow is a school day. My 2-year-old has an internal clock that urges him through his daily routine but always at his whim and fancy. He insists on soup for breakfast, eating every two hours, or sometimes within the hour and its never time to sleep. The suggestion always gets a resounding, "NO BED!"

Maybe I'm a bit like that. Maybe what I want is my own clock, on my own terms, like I had as a child. Where I could do what I wanted, when I wanted, without worrying about deadlines, due dates, appointments or expectations. When the clock didn't seem to be ticking so quickly, or so loudly, when I wasn't so concerned about wasted days, or wiled away moments. A time when I wasn't so conscious of the limited time we actually have to squish the life we want into the life we have.

Tracey Lawrence sings a song called Time Passes By. In the song he follows the life of a family from the '60's to present day making note of the toll time has taken on each member. Where does it go? Why does it pass so quickly? How do you make the most of it?

Again, something I'm reading encourages me to 'stay present in the moment', and 'revel in the wonder of the ordinary'. I'm still trying to figure out what that means, and then maybe I can try to do it.

Until next TIME!