Saturday, May 28, 2005

So they say it's your birthday...

Hey, tomorrow is my birthday, I'm 37! It shocks me how close to 40 I am, and how old I thought that was at one time in my life. I was a teenager when my parents were this age!

I love birthdays. In my opinion, birthdays are for self-indulgence. They are the one day in the year when someone should only choose to do what they want to do.

I have a friend who always celebrated her birthday in great style. She began a week prior and continued to meet with friends, and go out until a week after. We talked about her birthday gatherings for months after they were over. Although we would shake our heads and tsk away at her excitement, we secretly enjoyed every moment.

My son will be the same way. He gains enjoyment from every moment, and relishes in any antic that makes him the centre of activity. He's 2 1/2 and he already gets excited about birthday parties, but mostly for the cake and balloons. I enjoyed my first celebration last night with my mother and father-in-law. Little guy couldn't wait for cake, tore open the gifts with a vengeance and then insisted he needed more cake.

I was born the same day as John F Kennedy, and I always wonder what characteristics I would have in common with him.

I started my celebration last night, and I'm going to carry on through the weekend. Today I'm taking my kids out, I'll run with the stroller while my oldest rollerblades, then I think we'll go shopping -- I want to treat myself to some clothes. This evening is dinner with hubby and tomorrow I'll be going to a traditional country music concert with my brother.

Life couldn't get better. That's what birthday celebrations are for!