Friday, July 15, 2005

Mid-Summer Sickness

My baby is sick. He's had a fever for two days. It spikes at 102 degrees, but comes down with Advil. We've been dosing him every 4 hours, and like clockwork the fever is ebbing and flowing in alignment.

Some heartless and opportunistic bug is fighting for control of his body. Where did it come from? Is it the same one his cousin fought off just a week ago? I'm planning to see a doctor today, but fear they will tell us to ride it out because it's a virus. I feel so powerless when I hear that. Why do children need to suffer?

In spite of his struggles the summer sun shines, and a light breeze moderates the heat. It seems surreal, sickness is much easier to face in the dead darkness of winter, almost expected.

At the height of the fever he moans and rolls his eyes, sometimes sobbing uncontrollably. I can tell he's scared, he doesn't know what's happening. I touch his skin and it seems to be on fire while his little body shakes as if he were chilled. He hasn't eaten more than a few Goldfish crackers in the last couple days. When he ate those his stomach went into convulsions, like they were foreign matter. Thank God he's drinking water.

When the fever ebbs he begins to chatter and come alive again, he even gets hungry. Forgetting about his recent dosage, I get optimistic; I think -- It's broken, he's fought it. Only to see him fall back into it hours later.

I hate this. I hate viruses. I despise sickness. I want it to end. I want my boy to feel good again. Please God, help my baby fight this bug -- make him healthy, give him strength.